- a collection of turf maintenance publications
designed to provide solutions for turf maintenance.

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Most Recent Turf Tips

Below are ARCHIVED Turf Tips.

Fertilization and Irrigation
Weed and PestManagement

- Liquid Lawn Fertilizers - What You Need to Know

- Humorous Humics - Soil Amendments Worth Applying

- Fertilizer Series No. 1

- Fertilizer Series No. 2

- Fertilizer Series No. 3

- Gypsum Facts and Fiction

- Iron - Some Rusty Facts

- Iron Applications for Turf

- Liquid Patchwork - A Quick Fertilizer Solution

- How Slow is Slow For Turf Fertilizers?

- Fall Turf Fertilization for Cool Season Grasses

- Easing the Roller Coaster Ride With Slow Release Fertilizer

- Water for Irrigation – Salty, Hard or Soft?

- Water for Irrigation Hard Water, Hard Times

- Water Conservation Tips for Home Lawns

- Poa Annua Control in Home Lawns

- Granular Weed Control Products in Lawns

- Late Season Weed Control for Lawns

- Spring Weed Control for Turf

- Herbicide Research - 1996

- Late Season Weed Control in Home Lawns

- BUCTRIL - A Broadleaf Post Emergence Herbicide Back Again!

- Winter Weeds - A Different Kind of Plant

- Summer is 'FINALE' Here!

- Spring Time Turf Care - Herbicides for Turfgrass at High Elevations

- Purple Nutsedge Control in Turf

- Spring Time Turf Care - Herbicides for High Utility Turfs

- Rate Your Grass! E+ for your lawn E- for your pasture

- Rings Aroung the Collar: Fairy Rings and Their Control

- Necrotic Ring Spot (NRS) and Summer Patch (SP) of Kentucky Bluegrass Turf

- Endophyte Enhanced Turfgrasses: It's Whats Inside That Counts

- Grub Control Update

- The Ryegrass Seed Game: 9th Inning - Karnal Bunt

Turf Performance

- Bermudagrass Control, Suppression, or Eradication

- Sod Selection for Arizona Lawns

- Sod Establishment for Arizona Lawns

- Converting From Ryegrass to Bermudagrass for Home Lawns

- Ryegrass for Turf - More to Choose From

- High Elevation Blends and Mixes for Arizona Turf

- The Fine Leaf Fescues

- Bermudagrass Varieties: Seed, Sod, or Otherwise

- Seed Rates - Seed Dates

- Kentucky Bluegrass Varieties

- Information About "Canada Green"
Turfgrass Seed

- It's In The Bag: (Understanding Turfgrass Seed)

- Zoysiagrass for Arizona

- Fun Facts About Tall Fescue

- Kentucky Bluegrass Varieties

- History of Bermudagrass

- Vegetative Bermudagrass for AZ Lawns

- Converting From Ryegrass to Bermudagrass for Home Lawns

- Overseeding Bermudagrass Turf for Home Lawns

- Spring Overseeding for High Elevation

- Cool Season Lawns

- Cold Weather Lawn Tips

- Holiday Lawn Wishes

- Grass Establishment Calendar for Warm Season Grasses

- Grass Establishment Calendar for Cool Season Grasses

- Spring Lawn Care

- Cold Winter Lawn Tips

- Spring Lawn Care

- Clean Air from Lawns

- November Lawn Care

- Winter Sod - What, When, Why and How

- Chomping at the Bit!
(Too) Early Spring Lawn Care

- Winter Lawn Color

- Early Fall Turf Maintenance

- Clean Air from Lawns

- Being a Minimalist for the Small Lawn Homeowner

-Correcting a Runaway Lawn Or -
How to Avoid Scalping

- Surviving Close Calls - Post Scalping Lawn Care

- Lawns Grass Selection for Shade

- Lawn Maintenance Practices for Shade

- Home Lawn Care

- Renovation from Bermuda to Tall Fescue for Highly Shaded Turf Areas

- Revised Specifications for United States Golf Association Greens Construction
- Root Zone Mixtures: USGA Guidelines for Greens

- Calibrating a Drop Spreader for Home Lawns

- Fertilizer Product Amounts and Drop Spreader Calibration

- Calibrating a Rotary Spreader for Lawn Product Application

- Back Pack Sprayer Calibrations

- Spreader & Stickers for Lawn Applications - When and Why

- Pesticide Issues and Public Safety-Risk Assessment

- Mowing Operations Safety Check List

- Emission Restrictions on Landscape Equipment

- The Seed Tag and The Seed Bag

- The Mystery of the Mulching Mower

- Important Considerations for Turfgrass Soil Fertility

- Soil Characteristics and How They Affect Soil Moisture

Return to Turfgrass Research
[Cooperative Extension] [AgInfo] [UAInfo]

University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
4341 E. Broadway Road
Phoenix AZ 85040-8807
602-470-8086 FAX: 602-470-8092

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, James A. Christenson, Director, Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, The University of Arizona. The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities.

All contents copyright © 2004. Arizona Board of Regents. The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension College of Agriculture